Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I get ask a lot were I get my protein from since I am vegan and 80% of my diet consist of raw foods.

I have a shake in the morning consisting of 5-6 strawberries, 2 scoops of hemp protien or rice protein,and 8 onces coconut water or rice milk if it runs to thick I add water. It all depends how hard I worked out that morning. I try to get 33gr of protein in. I watch what I put in the rest of the shake because calories will add. I change things up a lot not to get bored. has some great recipes for smoothie. And if you aren't a vegan/raw foodie, don't restrict yourself to the same drink everyday it will get OLD!

Do you need protein after a workout is something I get ask a lot from my spinners or I didn't eat anything all day and worked how for 3 hours how much weight did I loose!

Yes you need protein, to repair those muscle you have been working out! That is the most simple answer but watch out, how muscle calories and were that protein is coming from. Yes there are a lot of products out there with a lot of garbage in it. I make sure my protein powder is low on sugar! And I never go workout out on an empty stomach for for those thinking you will loose more weight think again your body will be starved for food! You may end up a fewer pounds heavier.

Whats your opinion? Whats your favorite protein?

1 comment:

  1. Anne, I use PowerBar's Protein Plus. These bars are great and contain 23g of Protein (46% DV). They come in many different flavors too!
